Canada Startup Visa

Are you a senior manager, businessman or entrepreneur with an innovative business idea? If yes, Startup Visa could be for you.

A unique pathway for Permanent residence for individuals interested in establishing their business and innovation ideas in Canada. 

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Startup Visa basics

A pathway for Entrepreneurs and Innovators to set up a business and get permanent residence

Canada’s Start-up Visa Program targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada that are innovative, can create jobs for Canadians and can compete on a global scale

Process is simple

  1. Have a qualifying business
  2. Get selected by a designated organization (incubator)
  3. Complete incubation period
  4. Get letter of support from the designated organization
  5. Apply for Permanent Residence

Requirements for Permanent Residence

Partners Upto a maximum of 5 partners can be included. These partners should bring in unique skills and expertise in the startup.
Language IELTS Score of 5 in General Training
Qualifying business Business that is supported by a designated organization (incubator) and each partner has greater than 10% of shares
Family members Family members can be included in the application for permanent residence, Children* under the age of 22 are included.
(*Married children, or children with dependents cannot be included)
Temporary work permit While the PR application is in process, applicants can apply for temporary work permit, so that they can travel to Canada and setup their business.

How Roxen Immigration Consulting makes this easy for you:

Analysis and idea generation Our team of experts will analyse your profile, resume and business experience to brainstorm on generating ideas for various types of startups.
Business Concept, Pitch deck We create the initial business concept and pitch deck to be presented to designated organizations. 
Preparation for Interviews We will assist you in getting selected by a designated Our team will help prepare applications for the interviews with designated organizations.
Business case and detailed business plan Once accepted, our team will then prepare detailed business case and plans and prepare clients for final interview. Once successful, the clients will be enrolled into the incubation program.
Work Permit application After completing the incubation period, we case manage our clients work permit application and assist them in coming to Canada.
Permanent residence application We will case manage the permanent residence application for the clients and their families. 

Next Steps

  1. Send you resume to
  2. Our team will review your profile and advice you on which startup opportunity should match your area of expertise
  3. We will help prepare the business plans, and assist you in getting enrolled into an incubator program. 
  4. Once the letter of support is generated, we will manage clients in work permit and permanent residence paperwork.  
  5. Apply for Permanent Residence

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Turn your dreams into a reality. Get expert advice on your case. 
Fill out our Assessment Form and we will get in touch with you to discuss your case in detail. 

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